
※ 因應主辦單位「阿富汗政府軍」版面開啟, 因此於 9/20 解密.

※ 由於部份決議懸而未明, 因此本文閱覽權限僅(暫時)設定為: 珊瑚蛇內部/主辦單位/外隊合併參與活動夥伴們觀看, 待後續確認後可另擇日公開. 





2013 真的是相當熱鬧的一年, 生存遊戲相關的各種型態活動與展覽在下半年度可說是排山倒海而來, 有兩年一度的國防展, 北中南各地的幾場跳蚤市場展售, 「2013 第二屆海峽和平行動 (金門)」, 「2013澎湖巴亞爾行動」, 「紅藍對抗七」, 「2013下半年武哈祭」以及眾所矚目的第一屆「TWAfghana-聯合正義-台灣阿富汗戰場類重演活動」, 身旁的許多戰友們個個摩拳擦掌!! 當然在審慎評估後加上好友小藍波的推波助瀾下我們也就選定了 TWAfghana 出手啦!!


這邊真的特別要感謝小藍波的貼心, 知道我隊係以虎斑作為基底隊服, 因此特地將阿富汗特種部隊的角色預留下來給我們~ 自然我們更是戰戰兢兢的去準備, 期待能夠在年底的重演活動營造出該有的水準氛圍, 更希望能夠從中學習到不同的活動舉辦方式~ 兄弟們的內心都是無比期待的呀!! 因此我們私底下將本次的活動任務命名為: 『牧羊人行動』(Operation Shepherd)




Did ANA Special Forces wear Tiger Stripe uniform?


然而在經過一段時間的survey關於阿富汗特種部隊的相關訊息之後, 發現了其中有一個最讓大家疑惑的問題? 那就是阿富汗特種部隊到底有沒有穿 Tiger Stripe pattern BDU?? 



上面這張照片真的是相當經典的一張, 當時大家都誤以為這是ANA SF的任務照片, 對於這張照片也曾有一說法提到這其實是阿富汗警察單位 (ANP)! 為免出現想要扮演「小紅帽」卻穿著「喜羊羊」的裝備出席活動而產生貽笑大方的窘境~ 因此花了些時間去查證並整理資料如下~ 有很多圖片與連結, 請大家耐心閱讀囉~



首先我找到了兩個相當具參考價值的網站資料, 裡面詳細列出了關於阿富汗軍警單位在不同年代下所曾經使用過的 patterns. 裡面記載著 Tiger Stripe pattern 實為 ANP 所使用~ 而目前 ANA SF 則是以 Ghostex Kilo-1 pattern 為主. (2012 之前使用 woodland camo)



PS. 凡事總有例外, 底下這張照片為 APU 穿著 Multicam 的實證. 







而這個部落格更是明確指出我們早先所找到的相關 Tiger Stripe in Afghan 的照片其實是 ANP Commander - Azizullah. (ANP ; Afghan National Police)



而 Azizullah 左臂上所配戴的章記組在 Toy Soldier 網站上也能夠找得到, 但猜測應該是複刻品. (我自己是有從ebay上標了一組橘色的哈雷章回來)


Clearly this Commander in the ANP is a bad ass operator with his Skull & Crossbones Taliban Hunting Club patch and a Harley Davidson emblem with Special MP replacing the company namesake and Paktika/Afghanistan listed in lieu of Motor/Cycles.

Special MP Patch set from Toy Soldier. (USD$18.5)


更多疑似 ANP 的沙虎穿搭~ ^^







卻又找到了底下這些參考文獻~ 裡頭明確註記著 ANA SF 穿著 Tiger Stripe pattern 的紀錄與照片... @@




綜合以上這些資訊, 只能說就目前網路上所能夠蒐集來的資訊似乎也沒有一個相當明確的答案~ 終究還是霧裡看花~ :'(


在跟本次牧羊人行動內部招集人 - 「仁哥」討論之後, 認為解決方案可能如下:

  1. 委請活動主辦人 - 「小藍波」協助仲裁. 
  2. 不然就是得放棄虎斑, 投入大迷彩懷抱囉~ 如下圖所示: (畢竟要全隊換裝 2012 年後的 Ghostex Kilo-1 pattern 還是有相當程度上的困難... 無論在經濟考量上或是取得困難度的疑慮)


ANA SF woodland camo 穿搭 








Afghan Special Force (或稱ANA Special Force) 發展於 2010年, 是從 ANA Commando Brigade (突擊旅) 挑選菁英出來送訓, 第一隻部隊於2010年5月份完訓. 組織結構則以 US Army Special Force 做為參考基底.


這邊有相關新聞~ 一開始阿富汗陸軍是受USMC訓練, 後期因應發展需要所以有了 A-Team 的構想, 改由 US Special Force 帶訓!


PS. ANSF其實並非阿富汗特種部隊, ANSF全名為 Afghan National Security Forces, 其組成涵蓋警察單位, 以防衛任務為主. 


更多相關細節可參考底下wikipedia連結~ (同時我也截取出了關鍵篇幅出來給大家參考)


The ANA Special Forces were first conceptualized in 2009 and established in 2010.[128] The first Special Forces team, whose soldiers were selected from the ANA Commando Brigade, finished training in May 2010. The organization is based on U.S. Army Special Forces.[129][130] Initially all the Special Forces candidates were planned to come from the Commando Battalion, only requiring 10 weeks of training. However, after the initial period it was planned that Special Forces recruiting was to be conducted throughout the army, and initial Special Forces training will be 15 weeks. Commando graduates of the special forces course will retain their 'commando' tab and will also have a 'special forces' tab on top of the commando tab and they also receive a tan beret. These candidates are normally selected after serving 4 years as a Commando.[128] They were attached to teams of U.S. Special Forces operating in Kandahar province in the 2010 operation.[131][132]


In May 2010 the first class of the ANA Special Forces graduated from their 10 week qualification course and moved on to the operational portion of their training. In November 2010, the ANA Special Forces Class 1 received their tan berets in a ceremony at Camp Morehead, Kabul Province, after completing 26 weeks of on-the-job training partnered with U.S. Special Forces. The initial selection involved taking the 145 commandos who volunteered, putting them through a one week qualification process (similar to the one used in the United States), and finding, as in the U.S., that only about half (69) passed. These men formed the first four A-Teams (of 15 men each). Some of them who passed the 1st are being used to help American Special Forces train the 2nd class of candidates.[133] Special Forces soldiers are trained to focus on interaction with the population through jirgas with village elders, but capable of unilateral operations.[134] A second ANA Special Forces class completed training in December 2010.[135] The force numbered between 1,000 to 1,500 in December 2011.[128] This unit also has female soldiers to act as support to deal with female civilians, such as searches, interviews or medical examinations. There are plans to create one special forces platoon of just female soldiers so they can go talk to families (women and children).[128] As of July 2013, the total number of the Special Forces reached 12,000.[136]


  • 阿富汗特種部隊官方FB:


  • ANA ARMY Commando & ANA SF 臂章參考文獻:


  • 阿富汗特種部隊中的 A-Team, APU (Afghan Partnering Unit) 


  • ANA 組織結構


  • ANP 單位與任務屬性


  • ANA & ANP 相關商品 & 配件 (參考)






1. 活動總召集部:


2. 活動概要:


3. 故事想訂:


4. 官方 "阿富汗政府軍討論區":


5. 活動費用~TWA 活動費用 $3500元/人(二天一夜)


6. 活動報名表: (第二版修正版)


7. 報名表填寫範例:


8. 大會堤供福利:

* TWA活動個人ID卡/證件套(含寄發)

* 活動期間三餐: 

- 14日 (晚餐) 豐盛烤全豬、百威啤酒大會、中西式熱食及甜點約30道

- 15日 (早餐) 簡易中西式早點

- 15日 (午餐) 簡易歐式餐點約30道

* 全天候供應 熱茶、咖啡、餅乾、點心

* 晚會抽獎: 暫約100個獎項、頭7獎項約共值100000元

* 其它: 250人帳篷、音響、電影器材、舞台、燈光、電力、搬運車輛、桌椅、爆破特效、專業攝影、其他活動用器材、活動人員保險、文書、宣傳、支援重型車輛油費、活動用BB彈..等

* 次期活動報導雜誌乙本 (出刊後大會寄送)









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